2024 Advanced Group Coaching Program.
2024: The Year of the Visionary Wayshower

8-Week Advanced Coaching for Visionary Wayshowers.
Dear Visionary Wayshower,
Welcome to 2024. A new timecode has unlocked. A new energy. A new geometry.
It's time to step fully into your dharma. Your mission. Your purpose.
You have outgrown your old life. You can hear the crackling sounds of the more potent and luminous new you... emerging.
It's time to serve the world in a much bigger way.
2024 will be our most profoundly transformative year yet. For Visionary Wayshowers, it's our greatest opportunity to manifest positive impact and massively beneficial change.
The issue is… old models of personal growth and success nolonger work for us.
In this new energy, we are presented with 3 major challenges:
Our 3 major challenges:
#1 - We have outgrown the old version of ourselves. Yet the new one is still emerging. It's time to activate the new codes of leadership, influence and impact. To serve in a bigger way, we must shed old limiting patterns. We must realign, strengthen and stabilize the new version of ourselves. But how?
#2 - After a spiritual awakening, we can nolonger tolerate the old models of “success” that are devoid of soul. We need new models of business, success & abundance. We need new communities, new mentors and role models. We need examples of those who have integrated their spiritual awakening into a practical successful life. But where can we find these new models of success?
#3 - The new energies of 2024 require that we stop operating as "Lone Wolves". Instead we are being asked to co-evolve and level-up together via high potency groups like this. As we weave the energies of mutual support and collaboration, we are also anchoring in the new codes and blueprints for a more beautiful new earth civilization.
Watch my free "2024 New Year Masterclass" for more.
🧙 If this resonates in your being, please continue...
Welcome to Luminous Visionary Training.
An 8-week advanced training for Visionary Wayshowers.

2024 is a year of profound expansion, awakening and success on all levels. We have the sacred opportunity to embody the new energies and anchor in a far more beautiful reality on all levels - personal, profession, individual and collective.
Together, we are creating a brilliant tapestry of energies that will level ALL of us up in the most rich rewarding ways.
Master the Energetics of our lives. Refine our gifts and abilities as Visionary Leaders. Step into our next level of service. Oh yes - have tons of fun in the process!
Download Full Program Syllabus here >>
If this resonates in your being, in your heart, in your soul, then please apply below to join our 2024 Luminous Visionary Training.
Dr. Edith 🥂

A sacred and potent 8-week journey to:
Enter 2024 with deep Visionary Clarity.
Step into the full expression of your dharma & purpose.
Let go of outdated concepts re: Time and Money.
Awaken your next level of inner alignment and mastery.
Experience a new octave of success and holistic abundance.
Refine your Authentic Leadership. Conscious Influence & Impact.
Weaving new energies and geometries for the highest good of all.
Join together in community to co-create the most beneficial timeline for 2024 & beyond.
💎 Program Details:
- 8-module journey of advanced high-potency Group Coaching.
- Begins Tuesday Jan 23rd.
- Meets weekly 4:30p US Pacific / 7:30p Eastern - for 90mins.
- Bonus 1 : Weekly Meditations - Inner Energy Mastery 6-mos access. ($600+ value)
- Bonus 2 : Private telegram discussion group.
🧙 Who this program is for:
- Luminous Visionaries & Wayshowers.
- Emissaries & Architects of New Earth Solutions.
- Limited to 20 participants. Application required.
Registration for this session is full. Please apply below to secure your spot for our next group!

Henna Maria, Peace Activist, Poet, Healer. Founder of DawnofPeace.org
"Is it possible to be absolutely devoted to one's work, while walking the path with joy? Dr. Edith has shown me how to do that in the most natural, beautiful way. She is a remarkably insightful, radiant soul with a unique capacity to lift people up.
A healer, mother, visionary teacher and mentor, she is a master of many arts - yet she carries her medicine lightly. Never compromising on her values, her entire life is a holistic expression of her mission. A true ambassador for the New Earth, she leads by brilliant example and shares her wisdom with generosity and crystalline clarity.
Even in the midst of the darkest, most challenging circumstances, Dr. Edith manages to find a spark of light and move you just the right way to remind you who you are. I cannot imagine a more dedicated, forthright and inspiring mentor and friend to walk this path with.
Dr. Edith, thank you for your undying devotion to love!"

Jon Laux. Tech Executive, Musician/Rapper, Martial Artist, Husband, Father.
"Dr. Edith is an executive coach for our times, one who attunes to the subtle energetics of what’s needed personally, organizationally, and cosmically.
I’m forever grateful for her counsel as I've navigated through simultaneous professional and personal upheaval. She has a profound ability to sit buoyantly in what feels like chaos and distill complex dynamics into simple, pointed questions.
From deep vulnerability and great unknowing, new worlds are born. And true character is formed. Dr. Edith is someone you want at your side when what matters is the heart of the matter."

Stephan Keya. Founder & CEO of KeyaDigital.com
"Dr. Edith is a profound mentor & guide. She's the healer's healer. The teacher's teacher. The coach's coach.
When you work with her, there is this elegant weaving of mind and heart, science and spirituality, business and purpose, inspiration and utility, and the one and the many.
Her masterful integration of opposites creates a potent environment for the perfect insights and solutions to arise. Her presence radiates unconditional love, wisdom, optimism, joy, and humor as only great masters do.
The degree of clarity, transformation and wellbeing Dr. Edith has supported in my life is immeasurable. Thank you Dr Edith."
2024 Luminous Visionary Training
What is the focus of this program?
How is this program different? How do I know if it’s for me?
What is the Time commitment and structure of this program?
What if I have to miss a live class? Will they be recorded?
What is the Refund policy?
Use the Typeform above to apply and reserve your spot.
"Dr. Edith is a true pioneer and dear friend.
I am so happy to share this mission with her.
The mission to empower every human being to be extraordinary."
~ Wim Hof

Experience... Visionary Clarity. Deep Inner Alignment. Authentic Leadership. Impact. Potency. Presence. Purpose.
Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan is a consciousness & human potential coach, a Holistic Chinese Medicine Doctor, author, speaker, and mama of two Luminous Kids.
Over 35,000 hrs of private coaching and healing sessions given.
23 years of experience in personal growth and transformational leadership.
Coaching clients include – major influencers in consciousness, health/medical freedom, holistic doctors, directors of visionary nonprofits and foundations, alternative education pioneers, award-winning authors and transformational coaches, 6, 7, 8 figure entrepreneurs, soul-aligned media celebrities.
Lenses and perspectives - 23-yrs of deep meditation practice, 11-day dark room retreat, 4yr apprenticeship, multidimensional travel and mystical experiences, background in math & engineering, conscious conception, natural holistic homebirth, homeschooling two children, while running two thriving businesses.
Bestselling author of SuperWellness, featuring foreword by Wim Hof.
Creator of Luminous Education Revolution - comprehensive vision for new paradigm of Education.
Doctoral Degree from Five Branches University in Endocrinology & Neuromuscular Medicine, a 4-year graduate degree from American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and a Bachelors with Magna Cum Laude in Applied Mathematics from Harvard University.
Through her coaching & retreats, Dr. Edith empowers Visionary Leaders to master their energy & life, so that they can lead and serve at the highest levels. Dr. Edith's full bio here.