Meets 6 Tuesdays - starting Tues May 11th
Tues 5:30pm-6:45pm Pacific / 8:30pm-9:45pm Eastern
(75mins classes via Zoom - Tue May 11, May 18, May 25, June 1, June 8, June 15.)
A unique journey of
inner awakening and empowerment for Freedom Loving People.
Class #1: What's really going on? Old Paradigm vs. New Paradigm.
- Understand the big picture patterns. What's really going on in the world?
- Map of Old paradigm -vs- New paradigm.
- Scale of consciousness and how this is influencing the trajectory of humanity.
- Bonus: Dr. Edith's predictions for the future.
Class #2: Inner Clarity. Truth. Future Vision.
- How to navigate the conflicting stories and mixed narratives out there?
- Finding inner clarity and truth. Opportunities for inner growth.
- Guided meditative tools: Truth discernment. Listening to the Heart. The end of indecisiveness.
- Future Vision for your next bold moves.
Class #3: The INNER Game - staying authentic & centered amidst an insane world.
- How to stay centered amidst a seemingly insane, rapidly changing world?
- Create a nurturing and loving space to voice your Grief, Anger, Sadness, Worries, Emotions.
- Radical self-care and self-love during these times.
- Breaking free from old limitations and disempowering narratives.
- Compassion and Empathy for ourselves as well as others.
Class #4: Guest teacher - Charles Eisenstein. Plus live Q&A.
- We are very blessed to have Charles Eisenstein visiting us this week - sharing his wisdom and insights for these changing times. What an honor and a gift. Thank you Charles!
- Live Q & A on topics of interest.
Class #5: The OUTER Game - inspiring others.
- Learn how to inspire friends/family/colleagues to also stand in their power.
- High-vibe conversations about Informed Consent, Medical Freedom, Personal Responsibility and Sovereignty.
- Harmonizing difficult situations/difficult conversations via consciousness "technology".
- Tap into a higher level of communication. Using energetic techniques to inspire and uplift.
- Sample conversations that can inspire others to wake up to greater understanding.
Class #6: Guest teacher - Jasmuheen. Celebrating new possibilities! 🎉
- My favorite meditation teacher Jasmuheen (facilitator of famous Dark-room Retreat) will be joining us to share her wisdom about this time of transition and awakening.
- We'll explore advanced topics based on the group's interest. Live Q & A. integrating all the skills and wisdom from the past 5 weeks. Celebrating new possibilities!
Yes! All calls are recorded and posted in the course portal 2hrs after the LIVE class.